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What is the Spatial Analyst module

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The Spatial Analyst module is a Python module for analyzing raster data with the functionality provided by the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension. It provides access to all the geoprocessing tools available in the Spatial Analyst toolbox as well as other helper functions and classes that allow you to more easily automate your workflows using Python.

The module has three major components: Classes, Operators, and Functions.

Module components

The functional components of Spatial Analyst, and some other useful components, are identified below.


Spatial Analyst components


Spatial Analyst classes are primarily used for defining parameters for Spatial Analyst tools that may have varying numbers of arguments depending on the parameter type selected (for example, the neighborhood type) or when the number of entries in the parameters can vary depending on the specific situation (for example, a reclass table). By using classes for parameters, you can access and programmatically change any of the individual entries in the parameter.



Functions are available to apply environment settings to an existing raster.

ArcPy Functions

Raster Functions

The ArcPy raster functions primarily convert Rasters to NumPy arrays and NumPy arrays to rasters.

ArcPy Classes


The Raster ArcPy class creates a raster object that can be used in Python scripting or in a Map Algebra expression.

Spatial Analyst components

En este tema
  1. Module components